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Letter from the Superintendent November 2024

Community Support Makes a Difference

Community support makes the Brinnon School District a special place for our students.

·       The youth librarian from the Jefferson County Public Library spends a day at our school each month to bring engaging library-related learning activities to all students.

·       The Halfway House Restaurant provides a fun dining outing for our 8th grade students and donates their famous pie for Pi Day and staff appreciation week. Their owner is a Brinnon School Board Director.

·       Pleasant Harbor Marina Resort will host holiday party activities for our students.

·       In our district, with a high level of poverty, we do not have a school supply list. Many community members and organizations generously donate supplies to help support our school.

o   Jefferson Healthcare

o   Jefferson Health Central Registration

o   First Security Bank in Port Hadlock

o   Brinnon Fire Department

o   Many Brinnon residents

·       4H provides a well-attended after-school program 2-3 days per week.

·       Jefferson County Parks and Recreation basketball, baseball, and soccer teams use our upgraded facilities for practice throughout the year.

·       Counseling is provided with grant funding through the Jefferson County Mental Health Advisory Board.

·       Adventures in Music, a program through the Port Angeles Symphony, brings concerts to our school 3 -4 times per year.

·       Kaleidoscope Play and Learn is a program for children birth through age 5 and their caregivers. KPL meets weekly and is provided by First Step Family Support.

  • West Sound STEM Network (WSSN) brings support to the Brinnon School District.
    • Math tutors provide our middle school students individualized support each week.
    • STEM Like ME! provides hands-on career STEM experiences to our middle school classes, bringing role models directly to our students.
    • The Pacific Science Center will bring an all-school Physics Day to us in December (funded by WSSN) so that students can explore physics in a hands-on immersive way.
    • Our District partnered with WSSN in the successful application for a Gates Horizon Grant that will fund career and college exploration and readiness activities in our school district.
    • Our teachers have the opportunity to participate in numerous workshops and long-term WSSN cohort trainings that provide them with strategies and STEM-related teaching materials that are used in classrooms.

What a difference a community makes! We have so much to be thankful for.




Brinnon School Improvements – Grant Funding at Work

Thanks to a $3 million Small Rural Schools Grant and a $200,000 Healthy Kids Healthy Schools Grant, the Brinnon School is a different place this year. The grant-funded changes are truly amazing.

·       New flooring throughout the building

·       New roof

·       Updated electrical system with 2 generators

·       Exterior updates with new siding and windows

·       Regulation sized basketball court

·       Major playground updates

We are proud of our beautiful facility!


Brinnon Parent Teacher Organization

Our small, but mighty P.T.O. is spectacular. One P.T.O. leader is a grandmother of 2 students and a bus driver (a valuable position these days!). Another is a mom of two former Brinnon students and a student support staff member. At our recent Fall Festival, it was great to see literally all staff members come together to put on an amazing event for students and community.  As usual, our local Brinnon Fire Department and Pleasant Harbor Marina Resort provided activities and the Halfway House loaded us up with pie for the cakewalk and bakery bingo. It was great to see the school and community come together to provide this fun seasonal event.




From a Brinnon School District Poet
Piper Melton reads prolifically, enjoying dystopian series like The Hunger Games; as a result, she has become an incredibly talented writer. Her insightful nature is evident in the beautiful poem she recently created in class. 

The Echo of Goodbye  

There's a stillness in the air,  
where laughter used to share,  
echoes of memories linger,  
like shadows, they curl and flare.  

the last time I saw your face,  
time stood still, a frozen place,  
grief carved deep into my heart,  
a wound I thought would not erase.  

but in that silence, a whisper grew,  
a promise hidden, yet so true—  
that love, once given, never dies,  

it blooms in every shade and hue.  


By Piper Melton

7th grade student

Brinnon School District



Superintendent message

The Brinnon School District is set in a beautiful location. We share our playground with the local elk herd and large eagle nest that is filled with eaglets every year. Most of our families live between the Dosewallips and Duckabush Rivers and the Hood Canal and the Olympic Mountains.


The Brinnon School District is committed to providing students with an exemplary education that prepares them for college/trades, career, and life. We prioritize student learning and are proud of the academic progress and achievement of our students. As I visit classrooms, I enjoy seeing a group of middle school students gathered at the teacher table to discuss main idea, supporting details, and text evidence.  In a 7th grade math class, the teacher uses a story about skiing to guide students in a discussion about slope. It is always fun to visit a kindergarten classroom, where you can count on some singing and dancing.


As a Transitional Kindergarten - 8th grade district, our students leave us after middle school and most go to Quilcene High School. Their staff tells us that we send our students very well prepared for high school. A supportive community, talented staff, and fantastic students make the Brinnon School District a special place.