PTO - Parent Teacher Organization
Welcome to the Brinnon School PTO Page!
PTO Email:
Current 2023-2024 PTO Board
President: Robin Springer
Vice President: Heather Lax
Treasurer: Shirley Towne
Secretary: Nicki Wiley
PTO Meetings 2nd Wednesdays at 5:00pm
Meeting Minutes
Due to COVID restrictions, our PTO was non-active from March 2020-May 2022.
Executive Meeting Minutes 05/10/18
09/13/16What we Do...
- Fall Festival
- Holiday Program Santa & gift
- Community Talent/Art Show
- Support after school activities like, Winter Program, Fall Festival, and 8th Grade Promotion
Classroom/School Enhancements!
- Author visits to the school
- Equipment & supplies for classrooms
- New playground equipment
- Teacher appreciation
- Scholarships for students
- Order and sell spirit gear
- Paw Pats for teachers to award to students
- Sponsor field trips for students
- Swimming Lessons
- Mobile Science units
- Book Fairs
- Community sales
- Bake Sales
- Raffles and silent auctions